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Table 6 Maspin expression in colorectal cancer

From: Role of maspin in cancer



N. patients

Maspin expression

Clinical features/prognosis/predictive factors

Cao et al.


25 (colorectal cancer and IBD)

88%positive maspin


51 (active chronic IBD)

92% positive maspin

30 (inactive chronic IBD)

43% positive maspin

9(normal mucosa)

11% positive maspin

Song et al.


66 (colorectal cancer)

75.5% positive maspin

Positive maspin in colorectal cancer = 44.7% mutant p53 expression, microvessel density = 181.1+/−54.2


24.5% negative maspin

Negative maspin in colorectal cancer = microvessel density = 256.1 +/75.4

91.7% positive maspin


Positive maspin in adenoma = 0% mutant p53 expression

Jiang-tao et al.


50 (colorectal cancer)

62% positive maspin

Positive maspin in colorectal cancer = no association with positive lymphnode, higher Duke’s stage or mutant p53 expression

20 (adenoma)

90% positive maspin

20 (normal mucosa)

95%positive maspin

Zheng et al.


119 (colorectal cancer)

95% positive maspin

Positive maspin in colorectal cancer = no liver metastasis = 89% positive maspin

22 (adenoma)

93%positive maspin

118 (normal mucosa)

69%positive maspin

Umekita et al.


104 (colorectal cancer)

66%positive maspin (15% = T1-T2 and 78.5% = T3-T4)

Positive maspin = 44.2% absent tumor budding, 32.7% Duke’s stage B

Fung et al.


450 (colorectal cancer)

81%positive cytoplasm 80% positive nucleus

Positive maspin = right colon and high-grade tumor

Gurzu et al.


101 (colorecatal cancer)

60% positive maspin

Positive maspin = Stage II-III

Markl et al.


156 (colorectal cancer stage I-II)

48% positive nucleus

Positive nuclear maspin = pT3 OS = 40 months

72% positive cytoplasm

Positive cytoplasmic maspin = pT3 OS = 63 months

Dietmaier et al.


172 (colorectal cancer)

44.4% negative nucleus

Negative nuclear maspin = OS: 79.2%, OS after 5FU: 32.5%

55.6% positive nucleus

Positive nuclear maspin = OS:66.6%, OS after 5FU: 71.7%

24.1% negative cytoplasm


75.9% positive cytoplasm