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Fig. 2 | Clinical and Translational Medicine

Fig. 2

From: A quantitative metabolomics profiling approach for the noninvasive assessment of liver histology in patients with chronic hepatitis C

Fig. 2

Metabolite bioprofiling facilitates discrimination of HCV necroinflammation (A2–3). a Represents the coefficient plot from the OPLS-DA analysis showing differences in serum metabolite concentration in the patients with necroinflammatory disease (A2–3). b Shows OPLS-DA score plots of serum samples from HCV patients with necroinflammation. Each data point is representative of the complete metabolite measurement from one HCV patient: blue square A1, red square A2–3. The t[1] value represent the score of each sample in principal component 1. R2 is the explained variance; Q2 is the predictive ability of the model; Model significance was assessed using a cross-validated ANOVA based on seven-fold cross validation (R2 = 0.405, Q2 = 0.102, p = 0.10)

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